ROLE FOCUS: As a financially robust charity with plans to increase our reach and impact, we are looking for a passionate and ambitious new CEO who has the skill set and energy to take the Charity to its next stage of development. There has never been a more crucial time to address the issue of children and young peoples mental health and wellbeing. The role provides an opportunity to make a real difference. As Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you will be responsible for a budget of around £2.6 million per annum to deliver our vision and strategy, working effectively with our Board of Trustees, 70 employees and 25 volunteers.
You will be responsible for the strategic and operational management of our two main contracts: Mental Health Emotional Wellbeing Service (MHEWS) and Mental Health Support Team (MHST) and project work, ensuring performance and financial targets are met and that we meet agreed Key Performance Indicators. Our contracts are being reviewed in 2026 (year 5) with possible extension of 2 years plus another 2 years. The post holder will not be required to undertake clinical work, but they will need to have a strong understanding of effective evidence-based practice. The post holder will be experienced in co-production to ensure those with lived experience of mental health issues are central to our work.
Representing the organisation externally, enhancing the organisations reputation and profile within South East Lonon Integrated Care Board. The CEO will work closely with the new Clinical Director position to ensure that EDI is embedded into our clinical practice and governance in line with our organisation values: We Care, We Listen, We Empower, We Accept, We Respect. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES To provide effective leadership for Bromley Y sustaining an organisation culture built around the aims and values of Bromley Y. To direct Bromley Y through a period of transformation and development whilst maintaining its excellent services.
Be aware of and manage risks, challenges and opportunities in the external environment which affect the organisation. Support the Board to effectively identify, manage and mitigate organisation risks. To make data informed decisions to ensure optimised performance and setting priorities for the business. To embed a working environment and culture that ensures the health, well-being, and overall success of our people.
To look forward and identify opportunities to extend services and raise additional income to support this growth. To work effectively with the Board of Trustees to roll out Bromley Ys strategic business plans and strategic objectives and to guide the organisation towards the achievement of its vision and mission. To be accountable for the inclusive leadership and commercial direction of Bromley Y in order to deliver future growth expectations and service deliverables. To ensure the Board of Trustees receives appropriate advice and information on all relevant matters to enable it to fulfil its governance responsibilities, including the preparation of appropriate Board papers.
To ensure that rigorous systems are in place for financial management and control and that accurate financial information is available to the Board. To be the primary external face of Bromley Y and an effective and passionate ambassador and advocate for the organisations vision, mission and values. To develop and sustain strong relationships with key decision-makers and stakeholders across the varied sectors both locally and nationally. To maintain and grow Bromley Ys reputation as the thought leader on emotional wellbeing of children and young people both locally and nationally.
To challenge existing attitudes to and opinions of emotional wellbeing. Promote the work of Bromley Y and encourage positive understanding, awareness and attitudes towards mental health. The ability to respond in a sensitive, timely and agile manner to the changing political, cultural, economic, social, technological and environmental landscape and its impact on mental health, adapting the Charities contracts accordingly. To continue to drive Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) as a central theme on all business activities and the embedment of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging model.
Ensure that the organisation discharges its legal and constitutional requirements and obligations. Ensure that all work is undertaken with full adherence to Bromley Ys policies and procedures. Lead the development and completion of tenders for new and existing services including the development of new models of service delivery. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Provide inclusive leadership and direction to the Senior Leadership Group and workforce (including volunteers).
Accountability for creating a culture of openness, learning, and development that supports good mental health and wellbeing. Leading and managing direct reports effectively, providing challenge and support for them to develop and ensuring that they support, challenge and develop in turn their own team(s). Addressing any areas of misconduct and underperformance in line with organisation policies and procedures. Drive an ethos of inclusive leadership, continuous improvement and innovation.
Building an outstanding Senior Leadership Group - developing a culture focused on excellence, learning and psychological safety. Lead and further develop Bromley Ys EDI strategy, ensuring the strategy has a clear measurable impact and outcomes for our communities and our workforce and is linked to our strategic objectives. Work with the Clinical Director and the HR Lead in overseeing the EDI Coordinators and developing and embedding their roles in the organisation structure. To inspire and support our workforce to fulfil their roles within the organisation and build commitment to the strategic priorities (objectives) and shared core values.
To identify and maximize opportunities for Bromley Y to improve and build on its service delivery. Ensure that a culture of continuous improvement and commitment to high quality service delivery is sustained and developed throughout Bromley Y. Maintain people resources at a level appropriate to financial resources and organisation objectives. Ensure all our people are managed and developed within the annual performance management system.
With support of the HR Lead taking the lead (where necessary) on high-risk employee relations cases. INFORMATION GOVERNANCE Ensure that the organisation adheres to the data requirements of CORC and the Mental Health Minimum Data set. Negotiate suitable contracts ensuring Bromley Y delivers its contractual obligations, supplying information and data as required. Ensure that the confidentiality of any information relating to our people, service users and Bromley Y business in accordance with Information Governance policies.
To act as Caldicott Guardian for the organisation. SERVICE USER PARTICIPATION To contribute and ensure that young people continue to have a voice both individually and collectively in the service delivery and governance of Bromley Y. Extend the Charities reach and media presence to raise our profile with young people who need our services Working with the participation trustee on making sure the voice of parents and carers is included and listened too. Work alongside and ensure active service user participation in all aspects of work, including design, implementation and monitoring of activities.
To ensure and contribute to the development and maintenance of the highest professional standards of the practice, through active participation in internal and external training and development programmes. To ensure continued compliance with professional training of our people. To lead and promote adherence to CYP APT programme. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT To work with others to develop practice protocols and audit tools, to collect the relevant statistical information to underpin service evaluation and record keeping.
To comply with relevant codes of conduct. To contributing to identifying service needs and gaps.