Provide vision, direction and inspirational leadership in enabling the Trust to meet its strategic Striving for Excellence objectives and delivering the future ten-year health plan for the NHS. Role model the Trusts Values and Behaviours, being highly visible, inclusive and compassionate in style and approach and demonstrate commitment to the Nolan Principles and NHS Values. Take responsibility for building and maintaining effective working relationships at the most senior levels with a wide range of local and national stakeholders integral to the Trusts success as a service provider, delivering effective and impactful external communications. Take overall responsibility for the Trusts clinical governance and standards of clinical care and ensure that appropriate assurance and management processes are in place to ensure safe, compassionate and high-quality care.
Lead the continuing culture change programme to ensure that the workforce feel engaged, valued and supported. Lead the team of Executive Directors to ensure the effective leadership and management of the Trust in accordance with the CQC Well Led Framework. Provide constructive system leadership in the development, implementation and operation of effective place-based arrangements in Kirklees and Wakefield. Work with the Chair to engage the Non-Executive Directors, allowing them to fulfil their statutory duties and responsibilities.
Lead the development of the Trusts strategic objectives and its financial, operational, and quality targets in partnership with stakeholders and local communities, as well as leading on their delivery, and similarly for both places. Manage the Trust in accordance with its values and behaviours, strategic objectives, policies and specific decisions of the Trust Board ensuring that all activities are directed towards the achievement of these. Lead the Trusts championing of equality and diversity both as an employer and provider of services. Ensure the Trust makes a pro-active, significant contribution to improving health and wellbeing of the citizens of Kirklees and Wakefield including population health management, preventing inequalities and reducing the significance of existing inequalities.
Lead the Trusts approach to transformation and delivery of the continuous improvement plan. Operate a clear performance management and accountability framework which enables successful financial performance/balance and operational delivery. Ensure that the Trust Board is given the advice and information necessary to perform its duties and that the business of the Board is properly conducted. Promote regular, varied, and effective methods of communication with all staff and the public, working with the Associate Director of Communications.
Review and evaluate risks ensuring continued monitoring of the environment and establishing systems of control to provide the Board with regular assurance on their effectiveness. Ensure effective mechanisms are in place to implement systems and monitor organisational learning from patient safety incidents and good practice arising within the Trust and wider health care system. Promote and maintain harmonious and productive working relationships with the recognised trade unions, professional bodies, and staff representatives.