1. Working with Chief Operating Officer and Divisional Managers, support the responsibilities for the management of wards, diagnostic and other clinical services, departments and facilities. Ensure services are developed and delivered to maintain or expand existing market share.2. Support clinical transformation to meet the QIPP agenda and ensure that the quality of services are delivered to meet the requirements of commissioners and regulatory bodies.3.
Ensure that clinical services are developed in line with the Trust strategic direction and commissioner requirements.4. To enable these aims to be achieved, the Director of Operations and Performance will support the management of a range of clinically led Groups; medical, nursing, midwifery and AHP staff within the Trust and non-clinical supporting/enabling functions.5. Liaison with commissioners regarding the development of a cohesive local planning strategy in order to meet all the priorities set nationally, regionally or locally focussing on sustainability of services.6. Supporting the development of Trust wide strategies.7.
Supporting the implementation and effective operation and application of corporate and management information systems.8. Development of partnership and integrated arrangements with other providers in the locality and acute providers on a wider footprint to drive for a sustainable service provision in terms of quality, safety and finance.9. To support efficient management of the wards, diagnostic and other clinical departments within which services to patients are delivered, and a limited range of functions that support either the staff who provide or the patients who receive those services.10. To take specific lead as delegated by the Chief Operating Officer, ensuring that clinical services: o Remain fit for purpose over time;o Develop to meet the changing requirements of commissioners;o Meet, as a minimum, and exceed the expectations of patients;o Are productive and efficient, and affordable within the agreed resource envelope.11.
To translate the contracts agreed with commissioners into capacity plans that achieve a balance between anticipated demand and available capacity. Where need be to increase or decrease clinical capacity to maintain an efficient balance between capacity and demand.12. To support the consistent delivery of the performance standards, and to establish monitoring/audit mechanisms that allow performance against those standards to be objectively measured.13. To support the Chief Operating Officer to seek and exploit opportunities for the Trust to develop its business by: o Extending the served population and attracting work from elsewhere;o Maintaining the market share within the established served population;o Developing new service lines in conjunction with commissioners, both hospital and non-hospital based.14.
Where appropriate, develop partnerships with organisations whose expertise complements that of the Trust.15. To take a delegated lead on specific work streams to develop and deliver on the TrustsPage 4 of 13clinical transformation programme, including service re-engineering, re- design and clinical pathway development.16. To work with the Divisional Medical Directors and Chief Nurses Team as required to develop and implement strategies to improve the quality of patient care.17. To support the Chief Operating Officer in developing the Trusts contribution within the wider health community, and to ensure that the Trust fulfils its duty to co-operate withCCGs, Local Authorities and other stakeholders, and plays an active (where appropriate, leading) part in clinical networks.18.
To deputise for the Chief Operating Officer in attendance at internal and external stakeholder events including attendance at Executive and Trust Board meetings.